The term “Neurospace” I learned from the Kiev artist Vladimir Muzehesky, through Geert Lovink. What I immediately thought he meant by it was a comparison of that space which is posited as belonging to the computer with the neural space or the inner-body experience, that comes, for most of us, largely through psychedelic drugs—neurospace as the space of hallucinations, for example. I would like to compare and contrast, as they used to say in school, cyberspace and neurospace. There are similarities and differences.

If you do not already have a Creative License, we suggest you apply for one immediately. We assure you it will come in very handy as you try to accomplish what it is you came here to do.

When you send in your application, be sure to indicate the level of creation you feel you are capable of handling. Once your application is received, Mission Control will check its own files to see if the class of license you have applied for matches our data concerning the creative skills you can manage. Even though Mission Control already knows the answer, we ask for your self appraisal just to check your understanding of your role in the co-creative process.

In most cases, the class of license you request will be well below the level you can handle, in which event you will be issued a Learner’s Permit. Please do not be insulted if this is what you receive. It is temporary and will be replaced by your real license as soon as you fully awaken to your creative capacity. The Learner’s Permit is simply a safety precaution. A full-fledged Creative License requires total conscious control of the reality you are designing. It also grants you “driving” privileges outside your dimension. Unfortunately. losing control of your vehicle interdimensionally can cause an even worse traffic hazard than it does within the relatively safe confines of your planet.

The solanaceous plants with the longest history of shamanic usage in the New World are the daturas. Datura inoxia (formerly Datura meteloides) is a native of the American Southwest. Carlos Castaneda has don Juan call it "the Devil's Weed," but it is less pejoratively known among the Zuni, Navajo and other tribes as "Sacred Datura." This is a large bushy species with fetid-smelling foliage — indeed, one of its common names is "stinkweed." The dankly malodorous leaves stand in sharp contrast to this plant's Lily-sized, night-blooming white flowers, which exude a heady and distinctly erotic perfume.

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Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

The reason why it was published in the form of a micro sub meson electronic component is that if it were printed in normal book form, an interstellar hitchhiker would require several inconveniently large buildings to carry it around in.